15 Ways To Be Mentally Strong!



  1. Don’t fear alone time.
  2. Learn how to be content with your own company.
  3. Don’t feel like the world owes you.
  4. Don’t expect immediate results.
  5. Don’t worry about pleasing everyone or living up to their expectations.
  6. Don’t waste time feeling sorry for yourself.
  7. Don’t waste energy on things you can’t control.
  8. Be able to accept that not everyone will like you.
  9. Don’t let others influence your emotions.
  10. Don’t let others influence your own personal opinions.
  11. Don’t hate on other people’s success.
  12. Clap for other’s in their winning season.
  13. Don’t shy away from responsibilities.
  14. Be accountable.
  15. Don’t give up after the first failure.


It all begins and ends in your mind. What you give power to, has power over you, if you allow it! Your mental strength is SO important !! Make sure you take care of it !! 


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Hi, I'm Jessica! New Blogger. 26 years young. Married. Super Mom of two boys.. Keeps me busy! I'm also a full-time worker & entrepreneur. The overall goal of my blog page is to inspire and promote personal growth. I'll be sharing a wide range of ideas, experiences, updates, different ways to earn extra cash, and different ways to be the struggle of debt. I'll also be speaking quite a bit on different topics such as depression/anxiety, mental health, the importance of being positive, the importance of sacrifice, sharing some of my favorite cooking recipes and sooo much more!! I'm very humbled that you stopped by to visit my page & I pray that you continue to tune in with me! You won't regret it :)

55 thoughts on “15 Ways To Be Mentally Strong!”

  1. Point number 10 is ‘Don’t let others influence your own personal opinions.’ I think sometimes it’s good to have your opinion changed. For example, if someone presents some additional information to you, or helps you see a topic in an entirely new light. In that context, I think it’s better to not be too rigid in your beliefs… See what I mean? What do you think? Interested to hear.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Yes! As a teacher, I have to admit, I sometimes needed to take mental health days. I usually just used them to get caught up on paperwork, though. 🙂 Thanks for the great list.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This was another very encouraging post Jessica! I am a little behind, but this was fantastic! I can say that I never allow anyone to influence my opinions! I stand pretty strong behind what I believe in and never allow anyone to change my mind! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Girl you are giving me life, as usual! 😌 & plus God is sending me confirmation through your blogs, so yeah, I’m just all smiles over here! ☺️

    Liked by 1 person

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